Set in an urban space, A Familiar Forest by environmental artist Zen Teh is an immersive art installation that replicates the ambience of an unspoilt forest. Taking inspiration from scientific research that has established a close correlation between human wellness and our proximity with nature, this multi-sensory installation with its interdisciplinary blend of art and science is a continued response to humanity’s desire for restoration and reconciliation with the natural world. Through her art, which consists of 34 multi-layered images of Singapore’s parks and nature reserves, ambient light, sounds and an aromatic scent, Zen reimagines the tranquillity of a forest at night and recreates a meditative journey off-site. The scientific research and healing scent component is by Dr Ching Jianhong, Assistant Professor and Director of the Metabolomics Research facility at Duke-NUS Medical School.
Venue: NTU Museum, 50 Nanyang Avenue, North Spine 3, Level 5
Hours: Mon – Fri, 8.30am – 9.15pm
Sat, 8.30am – 4.45pm
Closed on Sun
When: 21 - 30 Jan 2021,
By: NTU - Nanyang Technological University