The concept of one’s self exists within a state of flux, ever changing. One’s understanding of themselves is often fleeting, tugging between two polar definitions: a self defined intrinsically by the individual, and the self that is prescribed externally by social constructs and ideological beliefs.
Through examining the temporality of the self, Fitri Ya’akob and Rifdi bin Rosly explore their own identities, questioning the means by which identities are accessed, remembered and eventually rewritten. Presented through the recording eye of the camera, these are the selves that will eventually be forgotten; A Self I Once Knew.
Venue: Deck, 120A Prinsep Street, Singapore 187937, Singapore
Hours: Tue to Sat, 12nn to 7pm
Sun, 12nn to 5pm
Walk-ins for exhibition visits are welcomed
When: 14 Jul - 7 Aug 2020,