A World in a Grain of Sand features the collaboration between artist collective MICA and renown Mosaic brand Bizen, supported by China Art Foundation. This is a great opportunity to learn about the unique art technique, mosaic, and also get hands-on experience completing a participatory art sculpture with the guidance of our mosaic experts.
“一沙一世界”将于9月29日在新加坡视觉艺术中心开幕。展览中的所有作品均由MICA(李捷 王长兴 贺亮)用琉璃、沙石等自然材料和手工烧制、堆砌、镶嵌形成。此次展览旨在从一粒沙切入,探索自身、自然、世界。
MICA(Mini Idea Creative Art)由李捷、王长兴、贺亮三位艺术家发起,本着芥子纳须弥的理念,从微小元素、材料和想法切入,通过艺术引发对自身、自然以及宏观意义的思考。MICA同时也是一个谈话场和试验场,它不仅呈现了三位发起人相识二十年以来相同的和迥异的艺术观和世界观的思辨以及对话,也在每一次展览中邀请观众的介入,参与实验和对谈。
All of the works displayed in this exhibition are made from natural materials such as glass and sandstone, which have been hand-baked and assembled into mosaics. This exhibition begins on a scale as small as a grain of sand or a single mosaic tile. Slowly, subtly, persistently, and introspectively, it reveals itself. MICA and Bizen, in their retrospective field, invite the audience to take part — to explore themselves, explore nature, and explore the world.
Light refreshment will be provided during the opening.
Exhibition opening hours:
29 September – 3pm to 7pm
30 September to 2 October – 11am to 7pm
Venue: Visual Arts Centre, #01-02 Dhoby Ghaut Green, 10 Penang Rd, Singapore 238469
When: 29 - 2 Sep 2018,
By: Visual Arts Centre Exhibition Gallery