FOST Gallery is proud to present AHEAD OF ITSELF ALREADY BEING IN by Indonesian artist Syagini Ratna Wulan. While Syagini has worked in mediums as diverse as installations to drawings, and has included performative elements in her artworks, she has most recently been exploring the interplays of light, colour and perception. These explorations are best encapsulated by her abstract sculptural paintings. In her first major solo exhibition in Singapore, her investigation takes on another twist as she returns to representational painting. Her four paintings each features a collection of unknown objects draped by fabric, and set in an otherwise empty room, only a hint of what some of these objects is meagerly proffered. These quiet ghostly arrangements make us want to throw off the cloth to reveal what lies beneath on one hand, and on the other, to leave the unknown veiled. These paintings serve as a metaphor for inward contemplation on and perception of the very core of our being. And the paintings themselves are a tour de force in the depiction of light and shadow.
Juxtaposed with her paintings are transparent sculptures made from a modular unit that Syagini designed and mass-produced. They are the very anti-thesis of the traditional still-life paintings in terms of material, style, form and craft. And yet these structures are in the same vein of her research into light, colour and perception.
Venue: FOST Gallery, 1 Lock Road, #01-02, Singapore 108932
Opening hours:
Tue to Sat 11am-7pm
Sun 11am-6pm
Closed on Mondays & Public holidays
When: 20 Apr - 14 Jun 2017,
By: FOST Gallery