Animal Farm is ACT 3 Drama Academy’s first stage production for the public featuring a young and talented cast ranging from 7 to 17 years old. These aspiring thespians are members of the Academy’s actor training programme ‘SPUR’, which is specially tailored for students who have participated in at least four terms with the Academy. Created with the specific aim to nurture budding thespians and inspire confidence to perform on stage, ‘SPUR’ is set to be an annual programme.
Making their debut in a stage adaption of George Orwell’s Animal Farm are the very first graduates of ‘SPUR’ as the eager cast of 19 that will bring to life this iconic and timeless literary classic. The script was adapted by the Academy, with special attention given to the theme of ‘bullying’ – a concerted decision based on its relevance in young lives.
Audiences are invited to witness a rebellion by the animals of Manor Farm against their farmers, and they will soon recognise the chant ‘Four legs good, two legs bad!’. This ‘fairy story’ is the basis of wonderful material for a theatrical performance for young performers.
Duration: 1 hour, no interval
Admission: $15 per adult or child 7 years old and above, available on
Venue: Black Box, Drama Centre, National Library Building, 100 Victoria Street
When: 20 Nov 2018, 7.30pm