Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya (APAD) or Association of Artists of Various Resources presents Kontemporari 2021: Art in a Time Like This, a virtual group exhibition showcasing artworks by members of the association.
The Contemporary series of exhibition is an annual art exhibition by APAD (Founded in 1962). The objective is to showcase the works of members and to promote art to the masses. It also creates an opportunity for artists to interact and inspire one another despite the different genres of art and generations of artists within the APAD fraternity.
Exhibiting Artists: Abu Jalal Sarimon, Ahmad Abu Bakar, Dino Hafian Ahmad, Fajrina Razak, Fazelah Abas, Gazaly Haron, Idris Ali, Jeffrey Wandly, Kamal Dollah, M Razali Mahat, Masturah Sha’ari, Mok Asan, Muddmitaq, NAFSIAH MOHAMAD, Nhawfal Juma’at, Noor Ezan Khatib, Noor Rahman Saini, Ramlin Art, Rofi, Salleh Japar, Sujak Rahman, Tumadi Patri, Yusoff Abdul Latiff.
When: 6 Mar - 6 Apr 2021,
By: n/a