This November, legendary duo Dick Lee and Michael Chiang reunite once again for Singapore’s Number One musical, the This much-beloved musical, which has seen multiple stagings since its debut at the Singapore Arts Festival in 1988, traces the adventures of a small-town girl from Batu Pahat who sets out on a quest to find her father in Singapore. With a mysterious jade pendant as her only clue, she winds up in a dubious cabaret, where she learns some heartbreaking truths about love and life.
This revival, which features Michael Chiang’s revised script from 2008, will be directed for the first time by Beauty World co-creator and composer Dick Lee. The production will bring onstage an exciting ensemble of formidable talents from theatre and television.
Top TV star Jeanette Aw provides sensational sizzle as Lulu, the beautiful but vindictive cabaret queen, while Malaysian talent Cheryl Tan brings wide-eyed charm to the role of Ivy Chan, our innocent protagonist. Adding her touch of class to the mix is seasoned actress Janice Koh, appearing in her first musical as the wise and winsome Mummy.
Venue: Victoria Theatre
When: 13 Nov - 12 Dec 2015,
By: Victoria Theatre & Concert Hall