Singapore Archifest 2020 invites members of the public to submit a Doodle Art that reflects the festival theme “Architecture Saving OUR World”. “Our world” has different meanings to different
people. It is different for a child, young family, adults and architects. However, in any case, it is a world worth saving.
“Architecture Saving OUR World” is not about how grand architecture is, but more about novel ideas and responsible designs that benefit our ecology and humanity – from climate change and public health, to social equity and cultural continuity.
Thus we want you to showcase how architecture has been a part of your life and making a difference.
Shortlisted Doodle Arts will be showcased at the Singapore Archifest 2020 either in print, digital media, or for publicity purposes.
Submission requirements:
– Participants of any age is welcome
– Artwork must be in black and white, any medium and to be uploaded as pdf file
– Minimum canvas size from A5 (21cm by 14.8cm) in any orientation
– Maximum file size of 25MB in pdf format
Submit your artwork via QR code or at
Deadline: 25 August 2020
When: 27 Jul - 25 Aug 2020,
By: n/a