Crossing Thresholds explores the ways artists engage with and push the boundaries of mediums with longstanding traditions and that are deeply rooted in human civilisation. This exhibition presents the works of three artists and their artmaking approaches—Fajrina Razak with batik, a wax-resistant technique of dyeing textiles; Ben Loong with ceramic craft; and Tiffany Loy with the textile production method of weaving.
Through their experimentation with materials and techniques, the artists engage with the rich discourse surrounding established systems of production and knowledge. Their works interrogate thematic concerns such as care, the passage of time and the fluidity of perception; they also reflect on the influence and relevance of traditional craftsmanship on the individual and society in today’s world. Resisting the impulse to be static, the exhibition contemplates how the past speaks into the present, and the interconnections between beings, histories and material culture.
Venue: Jendela (Visual Arts Space)
Hours: Mon – Fri: 11am – 8.30pm
Sat, Sun and PH: 10am to 8.30pm
When: 16 Jan - 11 May 2025,
By: Esplanade