The failure of architecture and the invisible hand of the city come under scrutiny with The Substation’s latest exhibition, Discipline the City. Separated into three acts, Discipline the City will run from 23 August to 24 September, 4 October to 22 October and 1 November to 26 November 2017 at The Substation.
Throughout these three acts, Discipline the City features a permanent gallery, a rotating cast of artists, an architectural case competition, and a punk-in-residence programme, as well as a series of public programmes and events. Expressing The Substation’s artistic theme for 2017, the exhibition examines the question of control, access, and the politics of space and provokes visitors into questioning their right to the city and their place within it.

Kuang-Yu Tsui, The Perceptive
Website: http://disciplinethecity.sg/
Ongoing Artists:
Chen Sai Hua Kuan
Debbie Ding
Persuasive Design Agency
Stevphen Shukaitis
Kuang-Yu Tsui
Rotating Artists:
ACT I: 23.08 – 24.09
Jiehui Avery Chen
Calvin Chua
(Not The) Singapore Venice Pavilion
Kuang-Yu Tsui
ACT II: 01.10 – 22.10
Stephanie Burt
Chen Sai Hua Kuan
Pat Toh
ACT III: 01.11 – 26.11
Pat Toh
Li Xie
Tan Pin Pin
All Curators are B___: Museums have docents; The Substation has punks
Failed Museum: A story of punks, space, and defiance
Punk-in-Residence: Throughout its 27 years of history, The Substation has alternately granted and denied access to the punk and hardcore scene. And in keeping with the independent spirit of punks, a space has been carved out for a punk-in-residence programme called A Manifesto for Space. Each month, a different punk occupies the space to use for their own purpose and without restriction. Their actions are recorded and streamed live on The Substation’s website. The punks taking up residence in Act II is punk couple Amin and Mimie.
Persuasive Design Agency: Amoral, reckless designers who’ve lost touch with the world
Tickets: Admission is free, except for All Curators are B_________ guided
tours. Tickets for guided tours are available on Peatix at $10 each.
Venue: The Substation, 45 Armenian St, Singapore 179936
Hours: Wednesday – Sunday, 12pm to 8pm
Closed Mon, Tues, Public Holidays & dates between Acts
When: 23 Aug - 26 Nov 2017,
By: The Substation