En Pointe is Korean, LA based animation artist Kaylee SooHyun Lee’s first solo exhibition in Singapore. The show features series of recent animated works including screening of Until Dawn, her latest short film that was screened in international festivals, and series of drawings for her upcoming new film that is in a pre-production stage.
“En pointe” is a ballet term meaning standing on the tips of the toes – which seem easy for ballet dancers but could be only achieved through years of hard work and training. The title was chosen as Kaylee’s works often times derive from fascination and appreciation towards dancers, but at the same time as she relates herself to the term as an animator, for animation is a medium that requires hundreds of drawings to create a single movement.
Opening: 11th August (Friday), 7pm – 9pm
Exhibition: 12th & 13th August, 12pm – 6pm
Venue: INSTINC SOHO, 12 Eu Tong Sen Street, #04-163, soho2@central, Singapore 059819
*For entry to the gallery, please dial unit number using the intercom at the entrance of the building.
When: 11 - 13 Aug 2017,