Super Game Jam captures the thrills and spills of independent game developers participating in a challenge to create games in under 48 hours. The documentary series in five episodes, presents an insight into game developers’ skills and methods for creating games in response to a theme, whilst racing against time.
In this first public screening, find out how games are conceptualised in Episode 1 (Break-up) and Episode 2 (Gardening). Also, don’t miss the accompanying talk by
Manuj Chandra, Principal Lecturer for Game Development at MAGES INSTITUTE OF EXCELLENCE (Singapore). He will talk about the skills needed for game creation and production.
Venue: Auditorium, Level 2, National Design Centre, 111 Middle Road, Singapore 188969
When: 20 May 2017, 3pm - 5pm (Registration starts at 2.45pm)
By: National Design Centre (NDC)