A renowned comic artist from Canada, Guy Delisle has been able to create a unique style of his own over the years through an autobiographical character with an observant and spontaneous look. A master of serious lightheartedness, his work represents little snapshots of everyday life and speaks volumes about humanity. From the Aventures de Louis to the Chroniques de Jérusalem, Alliance Française de Singapour and Editions Delcourt invite you to discover or rediscover the works of this master of journalistic comics.
Hours: Tuesday – Friday: 1pm – 7.30pm (till 8pm on Tuesdays) & Saturday: 9.30am – 5.30pm
Venue: Alliance Française de Singapour │ 1 Sarkies Road, Level 2, Singapore 258130
When: 2 Mar - 7 Apr 2018,
By: Alliance française de Singapour