Beyond the surface 3, Hélène Le Chatelier, Chinese Ink and Acrylic on paper, 67 x 101cm, 2016
Two years after completing her “Naked Memories” and “Intimacy” series, Hélène Le Chatelier continues her exploration of the human body as a repository of memories. Through her technique and her mediums she blurs the borders between tradition and modernity, between Western and Eastern perspective. Le Chatelier is just as comfortable using ink wash on paper, the ancestral Chinese medium, as well as creating sculptures, installations and video works.
Titled “Beyond the Surface”, her new series portrays our inner geography and the landscapes we walk along when we sink in our self. Shaped by the passage of time these “Internal Landscapes“ interrogate the secret and unconscious parts of ourselves, trying to reveal what is hidden from others and sometimes even from us.

Hélène Le Chatelier, Internal Landscape 16, Acrylic, 101 cm x 67 cm, 2017
Interestingly, her “Internal Landscapes” resonate with the Chinese landscape tradition in which landscapes reflect the position of mankind in nature and the organisation of society.
Indeed, as she dives into hers and our inner world, Hélène also questions the intimacies of our time. She questions the place of silence and introspection, the place of physical contacts in a world submerged by a constant flow of images, sounds and digital data, where boundaries between skin and screen become blurry. Playing with reflections, the artist offers a poetic vision. Her works push the viewer to engage further and to reconsider his own immanence and inwardness.
Opening Night: 9 May at 7pm , Guest of Honour, H.E. Marc Abensour, Ambassador of France to Singapore
Exhibition Dates: 10 May to 24 June
Venue: Intersections Gallery, 34 Kandahar Street, Singapore 198892
Opening hours: Wed to Sun, 2pm to 7pm
When: 9 May - 24 Jun 2017,