47 artists come together at LASALLE to showcase their work-from-home creations during the pandemic
Over the four months of social isolation which began in April this year, 47 staff, alumni and friends of LASALLE College of the Arts turned their homes into spaces for creating, learning and sharing, with pandemic-inspired twists.
From August 12th, audiences can explore the outcome of the artists’ creative responses to the COVID-19 pandemic on LASALLE’s new digital platform Image and Sound In Spite Of (IASIPO).
IASIPO builds on the successful Tropical Lab art camp which has seen a total of 267 international postgraduate art students gather at LASALLE over the past 13 editions for a fortnight of creative experimentation and art making. With the camp facing cancellation this year due to the global pandemic, LASALLE’s Senior Fellow and brains behind Tropical Lab, Milenko Prvacki, launched IASIPO as a new way to keep artistic conversations and practices going.
In addition, 12 past participants of Tropical Lab also join in the initiative from their corners of the world. Dorothy Lau manipulates portraits of herself to counter the fear of mediocrity in Hong Kong. Duy Hoàng investigates human’s place within larger environments from his studio in New York, while Oliver Hutchison experiments with Skagaströnd’s weather by determining its potential to create art.
When: 12 Aug - 31 Dec 2020,
By: LASALLE College of the Arts