In Our Best Interests: Afro-Southeast Asian Affinities during a Cold War presents contemporary art works and archival material that nuance Afro-Asian legacies that grew out of the Cold War. Focusing on Southeast Asia as a geopoetic imagination alongside a global post-WWII anti-colonial resistance to racism, the exhibition traces a historical line between early regional imaginations such as Maphilindo to contemporary appropriations of Afro-Asian histories, such as China’s development of cultural infrastructure in Senegal.
In parallel with a series of webinars that map out the histories of Afro-Southeast Asia affinities, In Our Best Interests questions what a global solidarity can mean, thus, bringing into relief the geopolitical stakes of working for ‘our’ best interests in a failed “post-racial” contemporary and in the face of the global pandemic, COVID-19.
Venue: ADM Gallery, NTU School of Art, Design and Media, 81 Nanyang Dr, Singapore 637458
Hours: Mon – Fri, 10am – 5pm
Sat, by appointment
Closed on Sun
When: 21 Jan - 13 Mar 2021,
By: NTU - Nanyang Technological University