“In the Breathing Light” is a solo show by Singaporean artist Ng Hui Hsien. This is the fourth project of the exhibition series, “12 Solo” of Comma Space 逗号空间.
Dark and mysterious, caves evoke thoughts of the unknown. To enter a cave is to meet our fears, to grasp the hidden parts of ourselves, and to experience a space that seems to sit between this world and another. Emerging from a cave, we may feel humbled yet strengthened, transformed by the encounter.“In the Breathing Light” is an installation that reimagines a cave and seeks to evoke a sense of stillness. For it is in stillness perhaps, that we may recognise, confront and release the thoughts and emotions that lie hidden in our subconscious.
Venue: : Comma Space, 51 Jalan Pemimpin, #04-02 Singapore, 577206
Hours: Tue-Sun, 1-6pm
When: 15 - 23 Aug 2020,
By: Comma Space