Mizuma Gallery presents It’s done‽, a group exhibition featuring five Indonesian artists: Agan Harahap, Albert Yonathan Setyawan, Julian Abraham “Togar”, Melati Suryodarmo, and Mella Jaarsma.
The punctuation mark “‽” on this exhibition’s title signifies a question that is also an exclamation — to represent the thin transitional states of completion / incompletion before an artwork’s genesis. This group exhibition aims to survey works of artists of an array of mediums, studio practices, and ways of looking, as well as their thoughts on the process of completing a work. Through the works of Agan Harahap, Albert Yonathan Setyawan, Julian Abraham “Togar”, Melati Suryodarmo, and Mella Jaarsma, It’s done‽ will attempt to provide us with further understanding of the range of possibilities, considerations, and approaches concerning the finishing of an artwork.
Venue: Mizuma Gallery, 22 Lock Road, #01-34. Gillman Barracks, Singapore 108939
Hours: Tue-Sat 11-7pm, Sun 11-6pm
Closed on Mon and PH
When: 30 Sep - 1 Nov 2020,
By: Mizuma Gallery