Embark on a profound exploration of two leading artists who have indelibly shaped the cultural narrative of Singapore – Cultural Medallion recipient Chng Seok Tin and Young Artist Award recipient Raymond Lau Poo Seng. In this duo solo exhibition, take a deep dive into their expansive careers that are deeply intertwined with the history of Singapore’s art landscape from the 1970s to the present day. A woman ahead of her times, a man enthralled with memories of yesteryears, over 70 prints, sculptures and abstract streetscapes from Chng’s and Lau’s decades-long practice will be on show, inviting viewers to ponder over the indomitable human spirit and shared memories of nationhood.
In honour of the late Chng, this exhibition also serves as a fundraiser for the CST Education Fund which supports the training of emerging artists with disabilities. Through industry mentorship programmes organised by ART:DIS, the fund nurtures the professional development of artists with disabilities, ensuring that Chng’s commitment to artistic education and inclusivity continues to inspire future generations.
Venue: ION Art Gallery, 2 Orchard Turn, ION Orchard Level 4, Singapore 238801
When: 5 - 15 Jul 2024, 10am - 10pm