Journey to the Golden Land is a group show encompassing landscapes by three contemporary artists from Myanmar, Soe Soe (b.1967), Nyein Chan Su (b.1973 d. 2020) and Ko Z (b.1973).
The title of the exhibition not only refers to a specific country, Myanmar, also known as the golden land, but to the life journey of any human being. Landscapes always have a metaphorical and symbolic dimension. Both Soe Soe’s and Nyein Chan Su’s series are inspired by real spaces, Yangon and Inle lake. However, their meaning goes beyond the pure representation of these specific
The theme of the journey is an important one in Myanmar where, for many years, it was impossible to travel inside the country because of the civil war and outside the country due to the self isolation policy imposed by the government.
Nyein Shan Su, who prematurely passed away at the age of 47, was already sick when he started working on his Inle series, which retrospectively appears as a reflection on his life journey and the passage to another world.
Soe Soe’s “In the Rain” series present an unusual vision of Yangon under the monsoon rain.
Ko Z’ “Alien Series”, which represents the cosmos clearly alludes to the spiritual dimension of any human life. Two paintings from the “Red Peace” series are also part of this show and refer to the Kachin Identity of the artist.
Journey to the Golden Land is part of the gallery weekend organised by AGAS: In November you can travel!
A young Myanmar artist will be presented on 20th November as a “surprise artist” for the Gallery weekend. Journey to the Golden Land is her first show in Singapore.
Events: 20- 21 & 22 November: Guided tours from 2pm to 6:30pm
Children workshops (age: 6-10) from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Venue: The Fullerton Hotel Singapore, East Garden Gallery, 1 Fullerton Square, 049178
When: 31 Oct - 24 Nov 2020,