Provoking Space is a solo exhibition by Filipino artist, Mark Justiniani, well known for his installations that create an infinite depth of space.
Behind space is a whole universe of mystery. It cradles all existence and promises so much more than can be believed. While space is transparent, it is also a veil hiding more wonders waiting to be encountered. There is no space which is not pregnant with possibilities. The shape shifting and warping of space reflects the shifting grounds of reality. It is reflective of human uncertainty and destiny.
Provoking Space is a series of works that probes into the nature of space, its structure, malleability and its boundaries. The works also delve into the idea of infinities and its variants and how conscious beings like ourselves navigate these dimensions as we struggle to break through and move towards unknown destinations.
Opening Reception: Sunday, 20 August 2017, 5 – 7 pm
Artist Talk by Mark Justiniani: Sun, 20 August 2017, 4 – 5 pm
Venue: Mizuma Gallery, 22 Lock Road #01-34, Gillman Barracks, Singapore 108939, Singapore
Gallery Hours: Tue – Sat: 11 am – 7 pm
Sun: 11 am – 6 pm, Closed on Mon and Public Holidays
When: 20 Aug - 17 Sep 2017,
By: Mizuma Gallery