Jan Larsen Art Studios opened its online show, Pandemic: What’s Going On?, from its new production studios and exhibition space on Tuesday that shines a light on the United States as it grapples with twin pandemics: a public health crisis from COVID-19 and nationwide outrage calling for the end of centuries of systemic racism following the death of an African American man in the hands of a white police officer.
The show, taking a riff from Marvin Gaye’s 1971 hit song “What’s Going On?” about turbulent times in the United States nearly 50 years ago, questions the situation in the country today. The works (produced between 2017 and 2019) of American Neo Pop artist Jan Larsen suggest that not much has changed and posit that things may be much worse under President Donald Trump.
When: 23 Jun - 12 Jul 2020,
By: n/a