Prototyping in Tokyo: Illustrating Design-Led Innovation showcases the creations of world-renowned design engineer and University of Tokyo Professor Yamanaka Shunji and his Laboratory, where they specialise in producing prototypes to envision the future. It explores the interplay between cutting-edge engineering and a sense of beauty passed down over centuries, which underlie the spirit of innovation in Japan. The exhibition also chronicles the Laboratory’s development of prototypes, featuring random sketches, shots in the dark, and the countless failures documenting the course of each prototype’s production.
Curated along three core themes for visitors to explore: ‘Prosthetics’ is a range of interpretations of the “expanded human body”; ‘Bio-likeness robots’ are robots with life-like motion and behaviour, giving the impression of intelligence; and ‘Additive Manufacturing’ is the taking of prototyping to the next level with 3-D printing which has allowed engineers and designers to create infinitely more complex prototypes. The exhibition explores the potential of prototypes to act as a link between cutting-edge technology and society, offering visitors a glimpse into a myriad of possibilities told through structures and textures of the future.
Venue: Atrium & Design Gallery 1, Level 1, National Design Centre
When: 11 Jan - 7 Feb 2020, 9am - 9pm
By: National Design Centre (NDC)