Film by Antoine Blossier (2018) with Daniel Auteuil, Maleaume Paquin, Virginie Ledoyen, Jonathan Zaccaï. Raised by a kindly peasant woman after being found as a baby, ten-year-old Remi is brutally taken from his adopted mother and sold by her husband to Signor Vitalis, an old travelling street musician with a shadowy past. Remi sets off on a long journey through France with his new master, their faithful dog Capi and mischievous monkey Mister Joli-Coeur. From adventures to misadventures, young Remi endears himself to Vitalis, who teaches him to read and helps him discover his extraordinary singing talent. The boy learns the rough life of a travelling showman and suffers through hunger, cold and sometimes great injustice. He also learns life, makes great friends and gains a mentor and father in Vitali. But when the clothes he was found in as an infant and a mysterious lullaby from his distant past bring him closer to his origins, Remi is suddenly faced with a new set of challenges that could reveal his true identity and change forever the course of his young life. Remi, Nobody’s Boy is a story adapted from the very famous novel of the same name by Hector Malot.
Venue: Gardens By The Bay
Admission: Free
When: 20 Oct 2019, 5.30pm
By: Marina Bay