We are pleased to present images by world-renowned photographer and activist Sebastião Salgado.
Spanning fifty years and five of his most influential series, the exhibition pays tribute to the artist-activist’s unique ability to chronicle the world around us with compassion, integrity and artistry. On view are striking black-and-white prints from his most iconic series, including Amazônia, Genesis, Kuwait, Workers and Migrations.
Born in Brazil in 1944, Salgado began his career as a professional photographer in 1973 in Paris. For more than fifty years, he has made it his life’s work to document humankind and nature, traveling to more than 100 countries for his photographic projects. Breaking down barriers, he lives with his subjects for weeks, an approach he describes as photographing from inside the circle. Within a single frame, he captures the resilience of the human spirit and the beauty of the natural world.
Venue: Sundaram Tagore Gallery, 5 Lock Road 01 – 05 Gillman Barracks, Singapore
When: 16 Nov - 21 Dec 2024,
By: Sundaram Tagore Gallery Singapore