Toy Factory Productions Ltd is eager to launch its first-ever digital theatre presentation, Still Sailing – a raw, honest, and light–hearted depiction of solace between two broken souls on a cruise amidst a pandemic.
Zooming into the current global crisis on unsettling seas, Still Sailing is a torrential original English play that brings to surface the whirlpool of emotions erupting between two twentysomethings aboard uncharted waters, isolated separately in their cruise cabins – forced to face their own realities in a not-so-perfect time of introspection.
An original English script penned and directed by Toy Factory’s director-mentorship mentee, Andy Pang, Still Sailing broadly sheds light on the inner psyches of Singaporeans who face the turmoil of grappling addictions, toxic relationships, and desperate manipulations. The play showcases very real inner-thoughts of an addict, whilst balancing it with tongue-in-cheek dialogues between the unlikely pairing on a voyage.
Available on Demand from 23rd November 2020 (Monday), 12.00 PM to 6th December 2020 (Sunday), 11.59PM (GMT+8)
*Please take note that the rental of Still Sailing will only be available on the 23rd of November 2020 (Monday), 12 PM (GMT+8).
Duration: Approximately 1 hours and 15 minutes
On Demand Rental Price: US$9
On Demand Rental Period: 48 Hours
Toy Factory Vimeo On Demand Link:
When: 23 Nov - 6 Dec 2020,
By: Toy Factory Productions Ltd