The alphabet is reinvented in this display of critically acclaimed photographers exploring new notions of the age-old teaching tool for children – the alphabet book. I is for… Imagine, N is for… Now, W is for…Who, What, Where, Why?
The display brings together a collection of international photography heroes and acclaimed photographers from various walks of life. Among the 26 artists are Martin Parr, Nan Goldin, Wolfgang Tillmans, Alec Soth, Peter Lindbergh and Sebastiao Salgado.
This display is based on a book recently published by Berlin-based publishing house Tarzipan Books.
Artists: Jason Evans, Christoph Niemann, Bela Borsodi, Achim Lippoth, Martin Parr, Simon Roberts, John MacLean, Robin Schwartz, Thekla Ehling, Sascha Weidner, Benne Ochs, Sylvie Zijlmans & Hewald Jongenelis, Neeta Madahar, Walter Schels, Roger Ballen, Julian Röder, Christopher Bucklow, Doug DuBois, Jan von Holleben, Sarah Illenberger
Venue: 37 Emerald Hill
Block 3, Level 1
When: 13 Nov 2020 - 30 Jan 2021,
By: Singapore International Photography Festival (SIPF)