The exhibition The Face In The Mirror presents works by Prabha Saha. Prabha has tried to go behind the masks that we all wear and take a peek into our souls. The premise is that everyone has a story. Everyone is fighting their own battle. But if you take the time to look beyond the obvious façade and you’ll realise that all of us are essentially the same…our loves, our needs, our desires, our anxieties, our insecurities are universal. They know no boundary.
When the boy came to see her for the first time, he fell in love with her beautiful doe eyes, just like many other eligible suitors before him. This time, however, it was instant attraction from her side too. Now, Noyonika stands bedecked in traditional Bengali finery with Betel leaves in each hand covering her glowing face. She is an eager and blushing bride, her eyes filled with hope and dreams of the sweet marital life that lies ahead.
Breakfast done, tiffins packed and Meenakshi sees off her husband and kids at the door. Finally, she has a few precious moments to herself before attending to the mountain of household chores. These brief moments are her only indulgence in her otherwise mundane daily routine …she sits in her balcony with a cup of tea and travels back to her youth to sing unabashedly ; her only audience being Koyal, the cuckoo bird that lives in the neighbouring tree.
For prints of the same or to commission pieces, please contact the artist at
Venue: Visual Arts Centre
When: 17 Mar 2019, 12:30pm - 7:30pm
By: Visual Arts Centre Exhibition Gallery