“The Quarantined Canvas” encompasses five artworks created during the COVID 19 lockdown by three artists connected through Singapore but respectively living in Ireland, Yangon and Singapore. Nicola Anthony was based in Singapore for seven years before moving to Dublin, Bart Was Not Here completed a Bachelor in Fine Arts at Lasalle School of the Arts, Singapore and Pang is Singaporean. The artworks express feelings and reflections inspired by this unprecedented crisis.
“Closing the Distance”, by Nicola Anthony, consists of two series of Fine Art Giclee Prints, one with a coloured background and one with a white background, based on a text drawing which was made during the lockdown period.
Bart Was Not Here’s artworks created in isolation encompass one painting and one print of a pen drawing digitally coloured. Bart ‘s artistic practice is dictated by his playful attitude and his paintings are inspired by comics, movies and music. Bart cannot think of a life without drawing and the lock down instead of stopping his creativity inspired him.
“The Present” by Pang is an altered book artwork, which was created during Singapore’ s circuit breaker. Visual artist, poet and art therapist, Pang often starts his day with “blackout poetry”.
Online Exhibition:
When: 6 Jul - 6 Aug 2020,