Time is money is a well known saying, which means that we should not waste time because we could be using it to earn money. For this show, the artist took this proverb as a departure point to question the value of time and the value of art and recorded as precisely as possible the time spent to create each of the drawings of the series presented.
Beyond this straight forward approach, this exhibition raises many questions: Can we measure the value of our time by its opportunity cost like the neo-classical economy teaches us? Does it mean that the time spent for learning or for dreaming, for volunteering or for healing, for leisure and pleasure is a waste of time? Can we measure the value of an art piece by the time spent by an artist to create it? How do we measure the time involved in the creation process?
In this exhibition MADAME offers her own answer which is both conceptual and aesthetic.
Venue: Intersections, 34 Kandahar Street, Singapore 198892
Opening Hours: Wednesday to Sunday: 2pm to 7pm, Closed on Monday, Tuesday & PH
When: 9 Sep - 16 Oct 2016,