Underclass tells the story of Xinyi, who finds herself in a downward spiral after losing her job and her flat. When she moves into a rental unit, she meets Johari, and they strike up an unlikely friendship. Will they be able to get out of their disadvantaged status with the help of well-meaning friends, entrepreneurs, civil servants and politicians?
Whose responsibility is it to provide assistance for those who fall through the cracks? Can we make a difference and address imbalance in our society? Why should we?
Underclass asks urgent questions about the widening class divide in Singapore today. Who speaks up for the marginalised in society? Or will they be airbrushed out of our national narrative of prosperity and progress?
Venue: The Necessary Stage Black Box
Tickets (excluding SISTIC ticketing fee): $36 | $28*
When: 16 May - 3 Jun 2018, Wed to Sat 8:00pm; Sat & Sun 2.30pm