In the new era of sustainability and circular economy, there is both an economic opportunity and social pressure for a brand to show how green, social, or sustainable it is. While there are notable improvements over the recent years, there is still scepticism that ‘Greenwashing’ is really what’s at work. Furthermore, what about this new phenomenon of ‘virus-washing’ – i.e. using Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)/branding to commercially profit from the COVID-19 situation?
Circular economy and sustainability consultant, Sann Carrière of So Now, and brand experience expert, Jean Francois Thery of UltraSuperNew, joins business designer, Romina Choun of strategic design consultancy Chemistry Team to talk about the do’s and don’ts of branding and positioning during times of crisis. Based on actual use cases, we explore the best practices and communication methods to position your organisation during and post-crisis. Join us for an hour-long fireside chat facilitated by Chemistry Team, and in collaboration with Design Singapore.
*Admission will start at 4.15pm for attendees to connect to the Zoom Online Event. A Zoom Link to attend the webinar will be shared with participants closer to date.
When: 18 Jun 2020, 4.30pm - 5.30pm