Embark on a mystical journey to the fabled Dragon’s Teeth Gate and unearth the forgotten stories of Singapore’s distant past in an original dance-drama production. Commissioned by Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC) and presented by Dance Ensemble Singapore Arts Company (DES Arts), in collaboration with Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts, ‘Whispers from the Dragon’s Teeth Gate’ features influences from renowned Indonesian choreographer Didik Nini Thowok, and incorporates local touches by historian Kua Bak Lim, playwright Han Laoda, and Peranakan costume designer Raymond Wong. As we commemorate our bicentennial year, the production sheds light on Singapore’s transformation from an island of immigrants to a country forged by our multi-ethnic cultures.
Performance duration is 90 minutes, including a 15-minute interval.
For more details, visit https://www.singaporeccc.org.sg/
Venue: Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre, Far East Organisation Auditorium at Level 9, 1 Straits Boulevard, Singapore 018906
Tickets: $30 and $40, and available on SISTIC website and counters
When: 20 Apr 2019, 3pm and 8pm
By: Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre