Aaron Gan is a watercolour artist who has built an impressive artistic career within just three years. SAGG caught up with him to find out more about his artworks.

Aaron Gan, Rebuilding a Nation, 56 x 76 cm, Watercolour on paper, 2014
What made you decide to give up your corporate career and become a full-time artist?
Aaron Gan: In 2010, my daughter was born. Becoming a father made me relook at how I was living my life. I felt that as a father, I should one day be able to look at my children in the eyes and tell them that life is for living, and that their dreams are worth fighting for.

Aaron Gan, Bridge, 76 x 28 cm
Watercolour on paper, 2014
A sell-out solo debut, extensive press coverage, 3 appearances on national television and over 200 paintings sold within 3 years. Having achieved all these milestones in just 3 years, was there any particular accomplishment that stood out above the rest?
AG: I think the most meaningful moment for me was when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs purchased my painting as a gift for a foreign dignitary. Singapore has given me my home, my family and an opportunity to pursue my dream. To be able to give back to the country meant a lot to me.
Why did you choose watercolour?
AG: Watercolour attracted me because of its fluidity and unpredictability. The harder you try to control it, the less control you have of it. To advance you must first retreat. To gain control, you have to first lose control. It forces you to focus on the journey rather than on the destination. By learning to trust what cannot be predicted, only then, and only when heaven shines on you, can a great painting be arrived at. To me, it is the perfect metaphor for life.
I also noticed that your paintings contain elements of Chinese ink, something not commonly associated with watercolour.
AG: I feel that the beauty of Chinese ink lies in its honesty. While western art tends to emphasize on design and technique, Chinese ink, to me, is more of the cultivation of the spirit.
What do you hope to achieve as an artist?
AG: To bring beauty and hope into people’s lives through my paintings.
Where can we find your paintings?
AG: I am represented primarily by Utterly Art Gallery at 20B Mosque Street. They gave me my first start when everyone else said no. For that, I am eternally grateful. From 28th May to 14th June, I will be holding a joint exhibition with my good friend Liu XuanQi (Leo) at Mien Fine Arts. Leo is a talented, determined artist with a strong vision and I am honored to be able to work together with him.
Exhibition: Strength through Diversity
Dates: 28 May – 14 June 2015
Venue: Mien Fine Arts
Address: 46 Kim Yam Road #05-06A The Herencia, Singapore 239351
Website: www.mienfinearts.com
Aaron Gan is represented by Utterly Art Gallery, 20B Mosque Street Level 3, Singapore 059500, www.utterlyart.com.sg.