Bahala Na is a group show that explores the intriguing bahala na attitude with two artists – Jeffrey “Wipo” Baligad and Nasser Lubay.
Akin to the Spanishque sera, sera and the English whatever happens, happens, the Tagalog term bahala na signifies leaving something, or someone, in the care of God. Over time, this attitude has become a philosophy of life deeply grounded in the Filipino psyche of going with the flow.
Wipo – a semifinalist of the 2017 Metrobank Art and Design Competition, fuses the bahala na attitude with contemporary visual art techniques to produce art that sifts between reality and surrealism.
Nasser Lubay – the winner of the 2009 Celeste International Art Prize, focuses on the bahala na of the mind. His pieces are vibrant and reminiscent of the way the human mind tends to wander off to fantastic, far-flung places.
Opening Reception: 19 October, 6.30pm – 9pm
Venue: Di Legno Gallery, 188 Tanjong Katong Rd, Singapore 436989
When: 19 Oct - 30 Nov 2018,
By: Di Legno Gallery