Dark Room follows the lives of men housed together in a five-by-five-metre cell, 23 hours a day, every day, until their release. This original work, based on true accounts, explores the codes and regulations of society “on the inside”. It charts the prison experience from pre-trial to imprisonment, and the reintegration into society as “returning citizens”. If “prison is the punishment that keeps on taking”, Dark Room gives voice to the incarcerated by staging their stories and making their experiences visible to a wider audience.
28 Apr – 30 Apr, 8pm
30 Apr & 1 May, 3pm
$30 Limited concessions for students: $12
Limited concessions for seniors & NSFs: $20
Season pass: $122 for 4 standard tickets (U.P.$130)
Venue: Esplanade Theatre Studio
When: 28 Apr - 1 May 2016,
By: Esplanade