19 October, 2016 — 7 December, 2016 (8 weeks)
Wednesday, 7.30pm — 10.30pm
Get early-bird 20% discount by entering ‘earlys6’ during checkout by 25 Sep 2016.
Improvisation is a technique that many of us have used at one point or another whether on or off stage. This workshop will help you understand short-form improv as a technique that frees you from the fear of the unknown.
Through the above three major improv styles. you will be taught exercises created by the founders of Improvisation – Viola Spolin, Del Close, and Keith Jonstone. The workshop is designed to aid your confidence, how you think, speak and do off the cuff and your problem solving skills.
The workshop culminates in the students preparing for two Directed Improv formats:
The Micetro, licensed by Keith Johnstone.
The Match, invented by Robert Gravel and unlicensed.
This workshop is open to anyone from all backgrounds.
We welcome both actors and non-actors with an interest in the performing arts.
Minimum age for admission is 16 and above.
Registration closes:
10 October 2016
Payment Plans are available. Email us at admin@hcac.sg.
To register, visit http://methodactingasia.com/programme/directedimprovintro/
When: 19 Oct - 7 Dec 2016, 7.30pm - 10.30pm
By: Haque Centre of Acting and Creativity