Mapletree and NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore (NTU CCA Singapore) will co-present the Discursive Picnic on 14 October as part of Archifest 2017, with the objective to gather the community to public spaces at Mapletree Business City II. The event is organised under the Mapletree-NTU CCA Singapore Public Art Education Programme which aims to promote art appreciation to the general public. The event will kickstart with a walking tour of MBC II led by the building architect from DCA Architects Pte Ltd, the landscape architect director Prapan Napawongdee from Shma Company Limited, and curators of MBC II’s public art commissions, Professor Ute Meta Bauer and Khim Ong from NTU CCA Singapore.
Through poetry readings, well-known local poet Isa Kamari, who serves as the Deputy Director of Architecture (Design) at Singapore’s Land Transport Authority, will share stories behind urban architecture and young poet, Samuel Lee, will stand in dialogue with poetry interventions. The tour will be followed by a discussion, moderated by NTU CCA Singapore Assistant Professor Sophie Goltz, at the Green Bowl, an amphitheatre within the lush and green Central Park at MBC II. Participants, curators, and architects will have the chance to share their ideas of working with space between business/work and art/leisure.
Free (by registration to NTUCCAevents@ntu.edu.sg. Limited capacity.)
Meeting point: Entrance of ARC, near McDonald’s
Mapletree Business City, 20 Pasir Panjang Road, Singapore 117439
When: 14 Oct 2017, 2pm - 6pm
By: NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore (NTU CCA Singapore)