This documentary, produced by Celine Gailleurd and Olivier Bohler, features French philosopher and sociologist Edgar MORIN (Father of the “Complex Thought”), who speaks about the essential part that cinema played in his fulfilment, from his childhood and the discovering of social and political French, German or Soviet movies, to the writing of his world famous essay “The Cinema or the Imaginary Man” in the 1950s, and the directing of Chronicle of a Summer in 1960 with Jean Rouch. The use of direct sound in this documentary was a revolution in the history of cinema.
The screening will be followed by a post-screening dialogue with the film directors, Celine Gailleurd and Olivier Bohler.
Venue: Gallery Theatre, Basement, National Museum Singapore, 93 Stamford Road, Singapore 178897
Admission is free! Register your attendance HERE
When: 23 Apr 2016, 7pm
By: National Museum of Singapore