Singaporean artist Frank Zhen has latched on to his signature icon by fusing the stylized red paper-cut head of a lion to the paper-cut body of a fish to form that singular representation of Singapore – a paper-cut merlion! Executed in paint on canvas, they frolic with joyful abandon in auspicious bicolour designs of red and white, which also happen to be the colours of our national flag. Where colour is introduced, it reflects our patriotic artist’s coding for the racial harmony in Singapore society (Blue=Indians, Green=Malays, Yellow=Chinese, Pink=Peranakans, Purple=Eurasians, Orange=Others). Frank has also progressed from linear paper-cut designs to complex patterning and modeling in a few meticulously-painted works.
Art has been a passion for Frank Zhen since his youth, who would as a child spend hours drawing on paper. In the past few years, he experienced an intense urge to paint to express his feelings, and undertook a number of short courses in painting from 2006 to 2011. Frank’s shows have been covered by Channel NewsAsia on television and the Straits Times in print. Embracing a New Chapter is his 4th solo exhibition.
Venue: Utterly Art Exhibition Space
20B Mosque Street (Level 3)
Singapore 059500
Open: By appointments
Tel: 94872006 or 62262605 (Keng Hock)
When: 3 - 25 Jul 2020,
By: Utterly Art