The exhibition GRAVITAS takes a look at a tree’s resilience, resistance and its defying silence. The ideas behind the show are taken from artist Lee Pheng Guan (PG Lee)’s interests in the characteristics, functions and symbolism behind the venerable tembusu tree- a tree with a defining feature of low-lying but far reaching horizontal branches stemming from a main trunk.
PG Lee is an artist who attempts to reconcile the apparently irreconcilable. For the exhibition the artist mediates, narrates and envelops the gallery space, introducing a space that does not describe the natural and built landscapes that he has lived in but shows an enquiry into procedures of saving it.
GRAVITAS is a place where one explores and intimately experiences the minutiae of the artist’s view from his studio window, his daily experience of life, and his conceptions of working with the tembusu, not in its mere physicality but in his attempt to return the felled trees and fallen branches to their grandeur.
Venue: Supernormal, 101 Desker Rd, 209623 Singapore
When: 20 Feb - 8 Mar 2020,
By: Supernormal