“Historia” is a solo exhibition by the renowned Thai artist Natee Utarit. Originating from the ancient Greek term “Historia” which embodies the quest for knowledge and the exploration of the past, this extraordinary exhibition will unfold from 9th to 30th September 2023, at our Singapore gallery located at 47 Malan Road, 01-26 Gillman Barracks, Singapore.
“Historia” marks the culmination of Utarit’s remarkable artistic journey within the Hierarchy of Painting series. His unique approach presents a synthesis of the pursuit of knowledge and an exploration of the past, revealing the intricate layers of artistic tradition and personal identity. Through 24 meticulously crafted paintings, Utarit invites you to peer through windows to the past, bridging the gap between historical influences and contemporary creativity.
Utarit’s fascination with art publications, exemplified by his encounters with second-hand book stalls and his exploration of renowned art magazines like “Art in America,” unfolds as a thematic thread in this exhibition. The exhibition, akin to a semi-autobiographical account of Utarit, delves into the artist’s formative years, from his first encounters with artists like Willem de Kooning, Jackson Pollock, Robert Ryman, and Robert Motherwell to the influence of his father’s love for literature.
Venue: Richard Koh Fine Art, Blk 47 Malan Road #01-26 Gillman Barracks, Singapore 109444
When: 9 - 30 Sep 2023, Tuesday - Saturday, 11am - 7pm