For this new exhibition, LASALLE College of the Arts, BA(Hons) Fine Arts level 2 students welcome you alongside them in the thick of disarray, as they go on embracing their eccentricities.
Flux is a continuous flow visible in forces of the earth, and most certainly palpable in forces of our imagination. Accordingly, IN FLUX hopes to capture facets of each artist’s ever-morphing creative processes, and highlight the organic tidal shifts in their own paths of exploration, as vigorous and yet fleeting as the shifts may be.
The spectrum of practices and modes of curiosity congregating on the exhibition plane reflects the multiplicity of energies the artists embody: an interweaving of distinct motion lines in friction. Even as each of them strays and departs from their respective points of origin, they meet again at various nodes of constructive interference, and then return to flux.
Venue: Alliance Française de Singapour, 1 Sarkies Road, Level 2, Singapore 258130
When: 6 - 29 Feb 2020, 9.30am - 6pm
By: Alliance française de Singapour