In the next few decades we will see up to half of the population in many countries – including Australia, Singapore, China, Taiwan and many other countries in the Asia-Pacific region – represented by citizens over sixty-five. The impact of this change in population on all our societies will be profound. Over a two week period (10th June to 20th June, 2018) 100 students from the areas of health sciences and design representing Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan will work with residents in elder care centres across the country to co-design new solutions that will support healthy ageing in Singapore. The solutions on display in this exhibition represent a unique multicultural, multi-generational and multi-disciplinary outlook on ageing and design.
Venue: National Design Centre, Design Gallery 1
When: 23 Jun - 16 Jul 2018, 9am - 9pm
By: National Design Centre (NDC)