This exhibition focuses on being International, Involved & Inspired through the collaboration of teachers and young artists from 16 international schools in Singapore. Each of the schools exhibiting here have selected high quality student works that best reflect the skill and dedication required to succeed on their respective art courses.
In 2011 a small team of art teachers was formed to share ideas, support each other and inspire students. Our first two exhibitions were very successful – proud parents, smiling students and considerable media attention. As the team of schools grew it became clear that a bigger venue was needed. Since then, the Australian High Commission offers the use of their gallery space.
Venue: Australian High Commission, 25 Napier Rd, Singapore 258507
Security requirements: Please present yourself to the guard house and advise the security guard that you are visiting the Atrium exhibition. Visitors will then be required to exchange photo ID (eg. a passport, license, NRIC, FIN etc) for a ‘Temporary visitor pass.’
When: 7 Nov 2019 - 10 Jan 2020, 10am - 4pm Monday to Friday
By: n/a