Conducted in Malay
Dalam memerangi wabak COVID-19, tentu terdapat kisah-kisah dan pengalaman yang ingin anda catat atau luahkan. Ikuti bengkel bersama penulis fiksyen dan penyair, Farihan Bahron, untuk mempelajari teknik-teknik menghidupkan kisah-kisah ini melalui penulisan fiksyen dan puisi. Bengkel ini akan diadakan melalui aplikasi Zoom. Sesi pertama akan memberi fokus terhadap penulisan fiksyen dan penulisan puisi pula pada sesi kedua.
In the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak, there are certainly stories and experiences that you would like to document or tell. In this writing workshop with fiction writer and poet, Farihan Bahron, learn the techniques that can help you to bring these stories to life. This workshop will be conducted online through Zoom. The first session will focus on fiction writing and poetry writing in the second session.
More info and registration HERE
When: 18 - 19 Jul 2020, 3pm - 5pm
By: The Arts House