Polycosmos Everywhere is a solo exhibition by Nelo Akamatsu. This exhibition includes artworks that evoke such awareness when traversing these small worlds. The artist found himself intrigued by the boundaries that separate them, and wanted to see what would happen if he placed his artworks on the boundary’s surface.
Polycosmos Everywhere, Nelo Akamatsu’s first solo exhibition in Southeast Asia, features artworks from his Chijikinkutsu series, Chiji-ki series, Chozumaki series, as well as the most recent Coloured Planet series. His practice engages with a variety of media including installation, performance, video, sculpture and painting, extracting the rhythms that pulse unnoticed within our daily lives and transforming them into his works.
Venue: Mizuma Gallery, 22 Lock Road #01-34, Gillman Barracks, Singapore 108939
When: 24 May - 23 Jun 2024,
By: Mizuma Gallery