“Untitled” is a large-scale inflatable installation by renowned artist Shilpa Gupta, that emerges within the visual density of a bustling metropolis. With its multiplicity of meanings, inversion of figures, and malleable material, the sculpture offers a visually striking and conceptually rich experience, inviting visitors to interact with it playfully and exploratively.
Featuring Shilpa Gupta, acclaimed Indian artist known for her thought-provoking work exploring themes of identity, politics, and societal issues. Her artworks often encourage viewer participation and reflection, challenging norms and sparking critical dialogue. Gupta’s work has been exhibited extensively at renowned international art institutions and exhibitions, including the Venice Biennale, Tate Modern in London, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, and National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Seoul, among others.
Venue: Ng Teng Fong Roof Garden Gallery, Level 5, City Hall Wing at National Gallery Singapore
When: 4 Jun 2023 - 31 Mar 2024,
By: National Gallery Singapore