As part of the school’s 60th Anniversary Celebrations, Bukit Panjang Government High School will be presenting PASSING TORCHES 传承, an art exhibition featuring works by our alumni, former colleagues, current teachers, and students from the Art Elective Programme (AEP). This is an opportunity for us to celebrate and showcase the unique and distinctive artistic talents of the BPian family over the generations, and allow us to have a snapshot of the evolution of artistic expressions and experiences over the years.
Venue: Visual Arts Centre, #01-02 Dhoby Ghaut Green, 10 Penang Road, Singapore 238469
武吉班让政府中学即将于明年(2020年)迎来60岁生日。为了迎接60周年校庆,武中广邀各界人士共襄盛举,于今年9月间,赴一场温馨且意义非凡的艺术盛宴。秉持着教学育人的理念,武吉班让政府中学在这一甲子的岁月中,培育了许多优秀的社会人才,他们在各自的领域里发光发热,在艺术这一块所取得的成就颇为丰硕。此次的艺术作品展主题,取名《传承》 (PASSING TORCHES), 寓意“传递薪火,承前启后”,希望能把艺术的火炬,一代一代地传承下去。
When: 21 - 23 Sep 2019, 11am - 9pm
By: Visual Arts Centre Exhibition Gallery