Raul Mirlo, The difference in between one red color and another red color is the distance in between them I / 2017, Fabric, acrylic & rusty rod
Tableau (or the difference in between one red color and another red color is the distance between them II) is an exhibition featuring artworks by Mexican artist Raul Mirlo.
Tableau is a French word that means that the painting as a painted surface and the painting as an aperture made in the wall are two meanings of the same word, which are not excluded but complement each other. With this project, Mirlo further dissects the themes of his previous exhibition: The difference in between one red color and another red color is the distance in between them I, seeking to examine and emphasize those singular spaces where the artwork is happening. The conflict spaces or weak points are important for him because they allow to dislocate the limits of aesthetic experience and put in crisis the given speeches.
The artwork is not representative of anything; it is presented itself, with and between the space, the gaze and the architecture.
Raúl Mirlo (Monterrey, Mexico 1985) is a visual artist that focuses in painting problematics. He comprehends painting as a resistance field, an unconcealment tool and for the most a mean rather than an end. He holds a BA from CEDIM, Monterrey, Mexico and completed a specialty in semiotics at BAU in Barcelona, Spain. His work has been exhibited in numerous spaces in cities such as Moscow, Kuala Lumpur, New York, Barcelona, Mexico City and Monterrey. He has realized artistic residencies in Singapore, Abu Dhabi, Berlin, Yerevan, Kuantan and Valparaiso.
Opening: 28th July (Friday), 7pm – 9pm
Exhibition: 29 – 30 July, 12pm – 6pm
Venue: INSTINC SOHO, 12 Eu Tong Sen Street, #04-163, soho2@central, Singapore 059819 (For entry to the gallery, please dial unit number 04163 using the intercom at the entrance of the building.)
When: 28 - 30 Jul 2017,